extended cover

英 [ɪkˈstendɪd ˈkʌvə(r)] 美 [ɪkˈstendɪd ˈkʌvər]




  1. Observational networks were extended to cover practically the entire globe and measurements were expanded to include all traditional and even some non-traditional environmental parameters.
  2. The scheme to subsidize the waiving of tuition fees at schools providing secondary vocational education was extended to cover three years of study.
  3. Our activity have now be extended to cover garment.
  4. The doctrine has also been extended to cover the activities of state and local governments.
  5. The Man Kam To Food Laboratory's accreditation status is re-affirmed and extended to cover more detailed testing of vegetables and milk.
  6. The town is also served by the Light Rail Transit which will be extended to cover the Reserve Zone and to link with the proposed West Rail Station at Tin Fuk Road.
  7. In one or two departments, reports of staff taking extended breaks and long lunch hours without a colleague to cover them are well known.
  8. And at the beginning of next year, the ban on tobacco advertising will be extended to cover outdoor billboards and cinemas.
  9. The scheme was extended in December 1996 to cover vehicle examination and government tunnel services.
  10. The water pollution control ordinance, which started with the first effective water control zone in1987, has been gradually extended to cover all Hong Kong waters.
  11. The scheme has been extended since December 1999 to cover single persons under 60 years of age.
  12. An Extended Dectection Method for Land Cover Transformation
  13. Annual examination was also extended to cover all trailers from March 1, 1998.
  14. Here Paul extended the thought of love to cover our relationships with our fellow men.
  15. An extended class cover problem is presented and then it is reduced to a constrained multi-objective optimization problem.
  16. The Green Hong Kong Ambassador Scheme continued to expand and was extended to cover simple maintenance of street trees.
  17. The global survey of 6,200 companies, extended for the first time to cover the US and Japan, gauged trends in activity by deducting the percentage of companies forecasting a decline in the next year from the percentage expecting a rise.
  18. The indemnities extended by the parties under the contract shall cover not only sums paid by and on behalf of one party in satisfaction of the judgement or award, but also all reasonable sums including costs, legal fees and expenses paid by the other party.
  19. South Korea's Financial Services Commission, on August9th, extended a ban on short selling on financial industry stocks to cover all domestically traded shares.
  20. Furthermore, a hybrid algorithm combined with the conventional greedy algorithm and binary particle swarm optimization algorithm is proposed to deal with the extended class cover problem.
  21. For example, "empty hole" emerged in ozonosphere, desertification extended, soil and water loss was aggravated, rate of forest cover dropped rapidly and there was crisis of water and abnormal change of climate all over the world.
  22. The research range of chemical engineering is extended to cover from observation and prediction of the micro-scale structure and interface to the system integration of the macro-scale equipment and plant.
  23. On the basis of two developed testing tools for the Visual Basic and C/ C++ language respectively, the architecture of testing tools is extended to cover any context free language.
  24. It includes two parts: the first one is the basic worm definition which is used to describe the typical features of current worms; the other one is the extended worm definition which is used to cover special worm types outside of the basic worm definition.
  25. In recent years, power grid companies have been established the huge core net-work in optical fiber communication, which extended cover each power station, and formed electric dispatching system of power generation, transmission and substation.
  26. The approach can be extended to other materials to produce hybrid lasers that cover ultraviolet to near infrared spectral regions.
  27. These networks will also be extended to cover all areas of human habitation.